Sunday, October 01, 2006


Date : Oct 2

Whichever news channel you tune into, you see some programme or the other on 'Gandhigiri' - the new word from the new bollywood movie. Well, if you ask whether Gandhiri will exist next Oct 2, I am not sure. I somehow strongly feel the news channels are using it just to promote their shows. Yesterday's programme on a news channel made me think about Gandhiji's relevance in today's world.

If Gandhi is here today, probably he would earn the respect of all, but would people still want to follow his principles of 'belief in truth' and non-violence? Ahimsa and Gandhigiri would be totally out of place in today's world. There are enough number of 'bad' people out there to screw u if are nice with them. Show someone the other cheek after being slapped on one, you will go back with two rosy-cheeks! If someone is not nice to you, there is not even a tiny chance of making them be so by you being nice to them. You will just end up losing your dignity. I am finding it tough to fit Gandhi in today's society. I just cant even imagine that happen. Today's man will just not let him and his principles live.

We cannot be him, but we can learn or atleast try to learn a few things from the man who changed the tomorrow of his India.